We are open to new admissions
Auburn Mere is open to new admissions, please call us on 01923247310 or email us at admin@auburnmere.uk, we would be happy to answer any of your questions regarding admissions.
At Auburn Mere we make sure that every resident is recognised as an individual, and that each individual is involved in the planning of the support they need to live as independently as they can.
Our approach makes Auburn Mere something very special. Not too large and not too modern. We can recreate an intimate, family feel home whilst still providing 24 hour specialist residential care.
We offer a service to people that have residential needs. We are registered with CQC to have up to 37 people living at the home.
We understand people need residential care for a number of reasons, therefore we can offer a range of different services to suit specific needs including:
Day Activities
Short Breaks
Long-term residential care
The Auburn Mere team is dedicated to:
Working with the residents, their family, friends and involved professionals, to formulate a care plan that encourages independence, dignity and privacy that considers their individual needs and capabilities
Ensuring the best possible care, treatment and comfort is provided.
Extending help, understanding and providing unconditional support wherever and whenever required.
Creating a happy, caring and safe environment to enhance each individual’s quality of life.
Providing high quality care with sensitivity and understanding within a happy, warm and comfortable atmosphere.
Offering a reassuring and homely setting that is always open to relatives and friends.
Treating residents as individuals.
Skills for Care - The care exchange
This is Skills for Care's third episode of their new podcast."We talk to Marlene Kelly, the Registered Manager of Auburn Mere Care Home in Watford. Marlene shares her views on the importance of concentrating on meaningful activities that provide occupation. She discusses how the pandemic has helped her work out what really matters and highlights the importance of managers thinking about their own wellbeing, as to have enough energy for everyone else you have to look after yourself. Marlene shares some great tips on how she has looked after her own wellbeing during the pandemic." Please click here if you would like to listen to the podcast.
What we are doing for Ukraine
We work with an incredible art group called Cathartic who visit us on a weekly basis.
"Our beautiful badge designs to show our Support for UKRAINE - Cathartic are raising money to send to the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal. We are suggesting a voluntary donation ,with a recommendation of £2 a badge."